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Master of Two
Master of Two
Copyright ©2014-2015 Patricia Green, Karin Ito and Blushing Books
All rights reserved.

Kevin’s exertions shone on his strongly hewn features as a light sheen of moisture and a burning heat from his body, even in the cool water, but it was the focus in his eyes that compelled Renee to greater heights. His gray eyes were gun barrel dark, moving from Renee to Amiko, then back again. He was drinking in the moment and Renee reveled in it.

The phone in the house began to ring and no one was inside to answer it—the maid was off for the night. Kevin mumbled, “Let it go.” None of the three skipped a beat, ignoring the insistent ringing until it stopped a minute later.

Amiko begged for release; Kevin grunted a non-answer, and the beautiful Asian woman groaned, her need bringing her too close to breaking the house rules.

Kevin growled and arched his back, filling Renee to capacity and beyond, then growled out a single word, “Now.”

Both women mewled and sobbed their release as a chorus of animalistic exhalations.

On the glass patio table twenty feet away, Kevin’s cell phone began its trumpet concerto ring, breaking the harmony of pants and sighs humming on the hot Los Angeles night air.

“Damn.” Kevin pulled out of Renee unhappily, his annoyance written clearly in the slant of his dark brows toward the middle of his broad forehead.

The phone stopped ringing as he levered himself from the pool and dried his hands, the rest of him dripping on the tiny, smooth rocks of the deck. As Kevin toweled his face and dark hair, the phone clonked to alert him to a voicemail message. He picked up the phone and touched its screen, then raised it to his ear.

Renee, still floating on a Sargasso sea of satisfaction, watched him through half-lidded eyes. His face darkened as she watched, the tiny lights climbing the palm trees in their yard illuminating him only dimly. The pool light added a blue tinge to his otherwise tanned appearance. She heard his low curse, and watched him stab the phone, closing its connection.

His voice was urgent, curt. “I have to go. It’s Lori. Something’s wrong. I have to go.”

Master of Two is available at Blushing Books (all formats), AmazonBarnes & Noble and All Romance eBooks.

The companion book, Beginnings of a BDSM Life will be released shortly, but the first of the four short stories in the book is available here on my site, for free, right now. An introduction to the book is here.
