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Saturday Spankings

Welcome! In this Saturday Spankings snippet, I’m referring to Laricon’s Ways, my full-length, sci-fi, erotic novel. Spanking and spanking references are throughout the book, though when I wrote it in 2001, I hadn’t even gotten into writing “spanking romance.” I guess I was headed there all the time!

Cover: Laricon's WaysIn this 8-sentence excerpt, our hero, Michael, is trying to train Nina to obey him, no matter what he demands. This is important because he’s a spy/infiltrator and needs her to keep his cover secret. Since he’s been given Nina as his charge, he wants her to appear trained to his hand. If she doesn’t they’re all doomed. The training in this case involves her ability to hold back her orgasms.

She pouted and glared at him. Five minutes passed.

“Start again,” he ordered.

This time it went more quickly, and her body was thrumming with need, perhaps too close to prevent the plunge. “P-please, sir, may I come?”

“No, and if you don’t withdraw your hands this second, I’ll spank you right here, over my knees. I don’t care that you’ve already been paddled today.”

This book has a lot of BDSM D/s elements with some spanking and lots of erotic romance. Also it’s M/f/f, so if ménages are a problem for you, you might try one of my other books first. If you’re intrigued, you can find out more about Laricon’s Ways here. Come back on, Monday, May 20, and you’ll have a chance to win this ebook.

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Saturday Spankings

Guess what glorious greenness is tomorrow! That’s right, St. Patrick’s Day. I don’t think Patrick was a kinky guy, but you can never tell about those saint-types. At any rate, today is all about spanking kink, and wow have I got a doozy for you.

I admit, I’d totally forgotten how much spanking there is in one of my earliest books, Laricon’s Ways. Here’s a little bit of a spanking scene where Michael O’Malley has given one of our heroines (there are two) a harsh spanking. He’s an undercover operative and Nina knows it, but is still making trouble for him by not considering her actions.

Cover: Laricon's Ways

Michael went into the lavatory and ran cold water over his stinging hand. He was still angry, though the peak of it had dissipated somewhat. He had never seriously spanked a woman before, but, by god, Nina had deserved it more than any he’d known. He looked at himself in the mirror. Had he done wrong with her? The spanking he’d given her had been pretty harsh, but he knew she’d not been damaged by it. Perhaps she’d even remember it and learn to control herself. He just needed her to behave until the operation closed; then she could go be a dreadful brat wherever she wanted.

This book is written in a slightly old-fashioned style, but it’s a fun erotic thriller that I hope you’ll consider reading. The blurb and excerpt can be found here.

Thanks for joining me for Saturday Spankings. Have a spankalicious day!

For your hopping convenience…

This material is Not Safe For Work. If you’re not over 18, please explore elsewhere.

Horny Hump Day graphic

It’s Horny Hump Day on my calendar – hopefully, it is on yours, too! Are you ready to get hot and horny with me? Great!

Laricon’s Ways is the story of three lusty people in challenging situations — challenging and very erotic situations. You can pick up a copy on Amazon or Renaissance E Books and read it under the covers with a flashlight…or other long, cylindrical object of your choice. LOL

Woman With Hand Between LegsThis week’s snippet is pretty graphic. Are you ready?

Nina and Michael are still performing in front of Laricon, but Michael has to hold himself back or infuriate the evil planetary ruler. Nina has just surprised Michael in the way she is giving herself pleasure, and he is encouraging her further, quietly whispering for her ears only.

“Show me more, kitten. I won’t forget how you like it.” Again she slapped at her blood-engorged clit, and this time she squirmed and growled louder.

I have another character, Gabby from Ace-High Flush, who likes this little gesture. If you find it sexy, you can read more about it in the Journey Family series.

But, I digress. Please follow the hop and see what all the other Horny Hump Day authors are sharing today. And remember, folks, it’s okay to try this at home.

Happy humpin’!
