All characters depicted on this blog are adults. You should be an adult, too. If you’re not 18+, please find entertainment somewhere else. Thank you.
I can hardly believe it’s December. This year has gone by so fast. It seems like with each year that passes, they go faster and faster. And yet, when I look back on the beginning of 2014, it seems a long way back. Funny how that works.
I’d like to share a bit from book from last year, The Princess and the Huntsman. It’s an erotic, spanking romance, fairy tale, set sometime in the middle ages in a kingdom far, far away.
In this segment, Princess Brandywyn has been captured by bad guys. She’s fighting for her life.
“Enough, Princess, or feel the flat of my hand!”
Brandywyn screamed all the louder and hit him as hard as she could. If he beat her for it, well, so be it. She would take whatever he dealt and laugh in his face.
But he did the most unexpected thing. He dragged her, still kicking and spitting, to a nearby fallen log and threw her over his lap. Securing her hands behind her back—with great effort, for she did not make it easy on him—he held her down firmly. Her skirts were raised, her drawers were lowered, and her bottom was bared.
Warning: this is not the huntsman in the title. The huntsman is a good guy.
If you’d like to read more, The Princess and the Huntsman is available at: Amazon, at Blushing Books (all formats), All Romance eBooks, and Barnes & Noble. This is a Stormy Night Publications release. Its price has been reduced for the month of December! $2.99 at all major outlets.
I hope you’ve enjoyed my little sample-ette. Hop around to the other participants for more fun Saturday Spankings.
For your hopping convenience: