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Tag Archives Sonata’s Moon

book gourmet
First Course — The Amuse Bouche

The Trail Master’s Bride (by Maddie Taylor): “The west is no place for a young, newly single woman, and the job of keeping Mina safe—and keeping her in line—falls to Weston Carr, the rugged trail master.”

Return (by Alexis Alvarez):  “A romance author bases her book’s hero on a sexy dom, and he requests a very specific payback…”

Second Course — The Appetizer

Songbird coverRachel De Vine (author of four popular books) has a new book out on market as of tomorrow, September 4. It’s called Songbird, and tells the story of a dom with a hurdle to leap when he finds the woman of his dreams, but learns that she’s got some hangups that would prevent them ever getting together. In the meantime, all he can do is listen to her lovely voice and admire her. The action often takes place in a nightclub, owned by another man who has some problems of his own. He’s got a wife and a lover and it jeopardizes his relationship with his daughter. Snag a copy of Rachel’s book tomorrow and hear the sweet tones of her songbird as you imagine the music in the book. It will be available at Amazon and Blushing Books.

Third Course — The Entrée

Not an official cover picture.
Not an official cover picture.

I’m pleased to announce my new affiliation with Decadent Publishing. You might recall that I was going to drop publication of the Sonata’s Moon serial set (two books). The project was daunting, and I’m both not good at self-publishing and not convinced it’s worth it for me. As it turned out, the person who edited the books for me when I was looking to self-publish, Kate Richards of Wizards in Publishing, happened to be affiliated with Decadent Publishing as their Executive Editor. She loved Sonata’s Moon and wanted me to submit it to Decadent. She was certain it would be snapped up. It was! So this week, I signed two contracts with Decadent, agreeing to publish Sonata’s Moon, Book One: Surface and Sonata’s Moon, Book Two: Sanctuary with them. They are being processed now, and I have no firm release date yet. I’ll keep you posted.

Fourth Course — The Dessert

Did you follow my recent blog tour? It was an unmitigated disaster, I’m unhappy to report. Forty percent of the bloggers who agreed to feature Striker simply didn’t post. I was so dismayed; why would people agree and then not follow through? Sizzling PR was not responsible; they can’t make people do what they agree to. But I found it disappointing and upsetting. If you tried to follow in order to participate in The Name Game contest, you would have been hard-pressed to do it. I gave out a $5 gift certificate to the winner instead, and will be offering The Name Game again in the near future for my blog/newsletter subscribers. If you haven’t subscribed yet, please consider it now. (Subscription form, upper right.)

Thanks for reading The Book Gourmet this week! I wish you a pleasant weekend ahead. Happy Labor Day.

book gourmet logoWelcome back to another installment of The Book Gourmet, where I share some goodies and thoughts on books.

First Course –  The Amuse Bouche

Here are a few tag lines that caught my attention. They look pretty intriguing.

The Colonel’s Woman (by Jordan St. John): Desire and discipline in the old West.

Blood Ties (by Ashley Fontainne): The bonds are permanent.

Second Course – The Appetizer

For this week’s appetizer, I’d like to spotlight Jenna Jaxon’s new novelette, Beloveds. It’s a medieval menage story, based upon her Time Enough to Love series. This book interests me for a few reasons. First, it’s a follow up story exploring themes that use characters from the series, but which plays out a situation that normally wouldn’t happen in the realistic settings Jenna has conjured up, and yet it does, and it happens organically, making perfect sense. It’s a masterful work, that has some surprises. The other thing that interests me about this story is that it’s a M/F/M menage story. (This subgenre has now become simply “menage” stories as though there was no such thing as F/M/F menage, or any other combination of sexes. Don’t get me started.) Anyway, I really like the way Jenna has managed to make both men Alyse’s lovers without having them cross over into homosexuality. In the time period portrayed, homosexuality was very much forbidden, both by church and state, and straying over into that zone would have put Jenna’s story into “unbelievable” territory. She did a great job working within the framework of her series.

I’d love to hear what you think about a medieval menage situation, and menage stories in general.

Third Course – The Entrée

Right now, I’m working on the fourth Romantek book. For those of you who aren’t familiar with this series, it’s a sci-fi, time-travel romance series, in a very unique environment where virtual reality takes on new proportions. The first book (The Winner) took our hero and heroine to 1850s Nebraska, the second book (Charlotte & the Pirate) took another couple to the high seas of the eighteenth century, and the third book (Eddie, My Love) had the main characters’ adventure take place in a 1950s noir detective murder mystery. All are romances, all have spanking, and all are well-reviewed. But the fourth book harkens back to book two, where Charlotte and Rex encounter an evil villain who’s trying to sabotage the Romantek company and harm one of the VIP guests. The evil villain comes back in book four, tentatively titled, “My Vacation in Rio.” I’ve managed to make quite good progress on this book, so I’m hoping it will get to readers soon.

Fourth Course – The Dessert

I got the rest of the editing back for the Sonata’s Moon release, and hope to get to work on finalizing that book for a release this month. My sincere thanks to Wizards in Publishing, and specifically Kate Richards, for her help on this project.

Thank you for joining me here today. I’ll share more with you soon!

woman duh 31500817_sHello, everyone. Those of you who follow me on Facebook (see link, upper right corner) already read this announcement, but for those of you who aren’t on my FB feed, I wanted to tell you that the “Sonata’s Moon” serial set will not be published in the time frame originally planned. Due to some changes at Amazon, particularly pertaining to self-published books, I had to re-package the books, not as a serial set of two, but as one volume. You will still get both books, but you’ll only have to pay once. I will have the volume out in July, but the date is uncertain at this time since the cover must be redone, as well as the formatting. The editing on the second half is still in the works as well. I will alert you when the book is finally scheduled, but in the meantime, if you want status updates, follow me on Facebook. You’ll get the latest news there because I limit myself to one blog post a day, 3-4 posts per week, but on FB I sometimes have two a day on my author page.

Thank you for your patient understanding. If you want to complain, Amazon would be your best target.

