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Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors on Patricia Green Books! It’s been a busy week, but lots of good things are going on. Today, I’m sharing more of my detective romance, Striker. This segment is pretty self-explanatory. It’s the opening of Chapter 2. (Some naughty language follows.)

The next morning, I realized it had been a huge mistake to allow my partner to drive the police vehicle to the scene of the latest murder. She was reckless and completely unconcerned about other cars. Sure, we had our flasher in the window and the siren on, but we were in an unmarked car. People were slower to get out of the way than they would be for a marked police car. “Geez, slow the fuck down!”

She grinned at me and slewed the car on the wet road. A moment later, she was back in control, but her grin was a little false. I gripped the oh shit bar above the window and held on for dear life.

I believe you are getting an idea of why Detective Striker’s partner might end up getting a reprimand.

writer's business planThat’s it for this weekend, except I want to remind you all that from Monday, April 13, through Saturday, April 18, I’ll be teaching an online class on The Writer’s Business Plan. I wrote a post about it, including the class syllabus, here. I invite you to take the plunge into making your writing business profitable by doing a little planning.

Continue on to the other Weekend Writing Warriors’ sites. You’ll love what you read.


Welcome! I’m participating in Weekend Writing Warriors (this is the link directly to the hop) again this weekend, but instead of sharing another snippet from Rescued by the Spy, I’m going to share a bit from a new short story, resident here on my blog and absolutely free. It’s called “Among the Trees, There are Dreams” and it’s an erotic fairy tale.

Among the TreesHere’s my segment:

The villagers kept away, and that was her desire. She didn’t want the voices to bring her pain, make her too close to anyone. When they had nightmares, the images and their unconscious screams haunted her for a long time.

But this man, this intrepid man, had come into her forest. Why?

For a while, she sat beside him and listened to his dream. It was erotic, primitive, full of lust touched by tenderness. Although she’d experienced the sexual dreams of other people when she lived in the village, they had never been about her.

The short story is told in two segments. It’s part of my Short Stories in Five Minutes series, and each segment takes less than five minutes to read. I hope you’ll come back to read this free shortie, and moreover, I hope you enjoy it.

Have a lovely weekend!

Rescued-by-the-Spy750-PGWelcome to my entry in the Weekend Writing Warriors hop where you can get a whole boatload of eight-sentence excerpts from all kinds of wonderful authors.

This week, I’m moving ahead with Rescued by the Spy. You might recall from my last entry (2 weeks ago), that our heroine, Nina, was kidnapped by some rough bad guys. Well, she’s taken off-world to the moon, Titan. Her experience there starts off rather badly (to say the least). This excerpt is R-rated, so please use discretion.

The ten women were led in a single-file line out into a noisy auditorium. They each tried to cover themselves with their hands for modesty but, of course, it was of little help. The auditorium was dense with smoke from tobacco and other weeds, making the number of persons present hard to estimate. Still, Nina thought there were maybe two hundred in the theatre-in-the-round style room. The women prisoners went up three stairs and onto a stage in the middle of the audience. There were guards positioned solidly around the bottom of the stage. The lights on the prisoners were harsh, further obscuring the audience from view. The women crowded together on the little platform, and the auction began.

Rescued by the Spy
ISBN: 978-0-9939501-0-0
Copyright ©2014-15 Patricia Green
All Rights Reserved

For more from Rescued by the Spy, you can get a longer excerpt, or pick up the book at these fine retailers., and

Thank you for joining me today. Hop along to the other Warriors and see what they have to offer.
