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Tag Archives renee his good girl

book gourmet

First Course — The Amuse Bouche

Asanni (The Langaer Chronicles Book 1) (by J. F. Kaufmann): “A werewolf and a wizardess… A mortal enemy… An epic battle… An immortal love…”

Master of Two (by Patricia Green): “Kevin, Renee, Amiko and Ross embark on a race to reunite BDSM lovers. Can they do it?”

renee - Master of TwoSecond Course — The Appetizer

Having begun a little tour into my BDSM works on Sunday, I’d like to follow up with a mini-spotlight on another of my free BDSM short stories on the site. This one tells the story of Renee McNamara’s beginning of a BDSM life. You met the man of her heart when you read Kevin’s story this past Sunday (“Kevin: A Man of Discipline”) but now you might want to see how they find their way to a new, challenging, but loving relationship. Renee is a sweet woman who got tangled up in some bad situations, but she’s nearly instantly smitten with successful, dominant Kevin Watson, PhD. In her short story, you can find out how that works out.

Get it here, free, in two parts: “Renee: His Good Girl.”

100 Dollar and Fire 10 GiveawayThird Course — The Entrée

I like to serve up a robust entree, even with a four course meal. Today, I have something amazing for you. A giveaway! Not just any giveaway, but a giveaway where the prize is $100 PLUS a Kindle 10” Tablet. Yes, you win both! Follow the link from the picture and use the Rafflecopter to enter. This raffle is sponsored by the author-contributors at A Girl and Her Ebooks.

50 Dollar GiveawayFourth Course — The Dessert

As if the giveaway above isn’t enough… You also have the chance to win $50 in another A Girl and Her Ebooks giveaway! That’s right, two sponsored giveaways, and all you have to do is follow each Rafflecopter and enter.

What would you do with $50 or $100? If you say “buy books” I’d say we have a lot in common.


Don’t miss the party on Facebook today, July 12th, at noon EST at Spanking Romance’s event page for the book launch party for Coach’s Discipline by Katherine Deane.

Prizes include books by Cara Bristol, Maren Smith, Natasha Knight, Patricia Green, Casey McKay, Tara Finnegan, Etta Stark, Renee Rose and more!


All characters depicted on this blog are adults. You should be an adult, too. If you’re not 18+, please find entertainment somewhere else. Thank you.

Saturday Spankings

renee - Master of TwoWelcome, once again, to Saturday Spankings on Patricia Green Books! This week, I’m going to tease you with something you don’t have to buy. I know…what a concept! This passage is from “Renee: His Good Girl,” a short story that’s here for free. It’s a BDSM love story of a different kind. Etta Stark likens the hero to Christian Grey, but I like my Kevin better. See if you agree. Here’s the story.

And here’s the teaser:

Come lie across my lap.” He patted his thighs.

Did I want to be spanked? Would he do damage? I hardly knew him. Still…He had a good reputation in the world. He was smart and always cool and collected. He never raised his voice. “Yes, sir.”

Danger is a potent spice.

I hope you enjoyed this taste. Come back for more. It’s free.

For your hopping convenience:

This material is Not Safe For Work. If you’re not over 18, please explore elsewhere.

hhd 2014 2

Sizzling days all over the place. It’s even 80 degrees here in Calgary, which is a huge heat wave for us. Everyone is complaining about how hot it is. I just smile, remembering my years in Los Angeles and the many days over 100 degrees in the summer. I like this much better. I hope your summer days are pleasant, and don’t get you overheated.

renee - Master of TwoSpeaking of overheated, I’m sharing a bit from a story you can read right now, right here on my site for free. I know…what a concept! But my wish is to whet your whistle and give you a taste of my BDSM work. So here’s a little excerpt from “Renee: His Good Girl.”

This comes just before a spanking from Kevin.

I got down on the floor at his feet and snuggled up to his leg. He put his hand in my hair and wrapped it around his big fist, giving it a tug forceful enough to hold my attention. My body reacted in the way I learned before; I was hot and tight, with electric sparks between nipples and pussy.

Renee is ready.

I hope you enjoyed this little teaser. Read the whole short story in two parts here on Patricia Green Books.

And, don’t forget to hop along to the other Horny Hump Day authors’ sites. Why not be as warm on the inside as you are on the outside?
