140 years in the future is a time when: neo-paganism flourishes over other religions; the younger generation has grown up under the stress of a long-standing war; and people live only for the moment, their sexuality free and easy with no threat of disease or unwanted pregnancy. Then, with little warning, the war escalates to nuclear bombs. Daughter of the Moon is the story of a small group of people before and after they must accept life underground in a well-appointed and high-tech shelter they call Articulus (“crisis”). Expecting to spend the next fifteen years or more of their lives in close-quarters, they have to learn to get along when friendships aren’t enough. It isn’t easy, especially when love and sexuality are so easily confused.
Meet Sonata and Mikhail, two people who find each other amidst the turmoil. But Sonata has some deep-dark secrets, and Mikhail can be a seething cauldron inside despite his calm exterior. He wants to make her life better; she isn’t sure she wants help.
In conflict, there is passion.
M/F, Sci-fi (Speculative) Erotic Romance, Some BDSM
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