I hope December has been good to you, and that you’re anticipating the best end-of-year holidays ever.
I wanted to let you know that my husband and I will be taking a vacation break through January 5 (except for my husband’s TV appearances — the show must go on!). It’s an annual ritual for us, allowing us to gear up for the following year. And what a year it’s going to be!
My plans for 2015 include two brand new books though publishers, and three revised books, self-published. The brand new books will be spanking romances, and the revised books will be a set of science fiction erotic romances, and an erotic fairy tale romance.
I look forward to sharing all of these things with you.
My blog will continue to be updated and busy. And I do have a couple of freebies coming up. They will remain sooper seekrit until the day they’re available, but I’ll give you a hint: one is an erotic BDSM short story, and one is a sci-fi, full-length erotic romance novel.
As always, I am available to you via email at any time. If you’re not on the mailing list, sign up today for direct access to my email address, as easy as hitting “reply.” The sign up form is over to your right (up near the top).
I wish you all very happy holidays, regardless of which ones you celebrate. And a sincere thank you to all of you for supporting me on this journey. You are very much appreciated.