I looked all over for a good holiday to share with you for today, February 24, but all I could come up with was “National Tortilla Chip Day.” Somehow, that didn’t serve my purposes very well. However, I did discover that February 26 is “Tell a Fairy Tale Day.” This one is right up my alley. I’ve written three published adult fairy tales: The Princess and the Huntsman
(based upon The Prince and the Pauper by Mark Twain), Goldie & the Three Doms (Twisted Fairy Tales)
(based upon the classic, “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”) and Snowy & the Seven Wharves (Twisted Fairy Tale)
(based upon “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”).
What’s great about this day is that it’s family-friendly. It’s not all about authors and their books, it’s about sharing the fun of reading. Everyone loves a good fairy tale, whether it’s based upon a classic, or something altogether new.
My suggestion is to get yourself two fairy tales: a classic (Google Books is great for those), and a modern (try mine!). You’ll be surprised at how different they can be, even when they have the same premise.
“Tell a Fairy Tale Day” can even be an opportunity for you to make one up yourself! Be creative. I’m sure there’s an event or a moral you’d like to portray in a tale. Don’t hold back.
I hope you enjoy “Tell a Fairy Tale Day”. I know I will!