All characters depicted on this blog are adults. You should be an adult, too. If you’re not 18+, please find entertainment somewhere else. Thank you.
You might have stumbled here by accident, or maybe you were searching for free spanking stories and landed on my site. You could be one of the intrepid and fun-loving people who follow blog hops, and especially sexy or kinky ones. Whoever you are, however you got here, welcome to Saturday Spankings! The participating blogs will be sharing 8 sentences from one of their available books or from a work in progress. In any case, you’ll get spankings, and tittilation and a whole lotta good times. So sally forth and see what I’m offering.
This week, I’m highlighting Discipline Down Under, my Australian Outback story, featuring American, Peg Fisk, and her Australian Outback guide, Tripp Ruf. In this segment, Peg has almost been a crocodile’s lunch, and she’s getting a punishment for such risky behavior.
But the point had to be made. She could not, must not ever, approach water unless he gave her the okay. It was absolutely forbidden.
Resolved to continue making his point, Tripp shifted the focus of his punishing hand from her bottom down onto her thighs. Her breath caught, and she whimpered. The whimpers turned to sobs. His hand was beginning to sting. When she began to boo-hoo in earnest, he stopped to stroke her, to gentle her. Tripp didn’t want to traumatize the girl.
This is 9 sentences. I ought to be spanked.
Thanks for visiting me today. Hop along for more Saturday Spankings, and check out our tweets at #SatSpanks!
mm, he sound so sexy…
Great snippet! And I agree. Eight sentences is too short!
Nine sentences! *gasps* I do love a rebel 😉
Oh, I love an Australian story. What’s the appeal? Those rugged outback men w/their accents?
Tripp didn’t want to traumatize the girl… he’s so considerate. I imagine this teaches her the lesson once and for all. Nice snippet, Trish., .
I love down under stories! Another addition to my TBR list!