Hi, everyone.
I’m going to be teaching a writing class through Savvy Authors’ mentoring program, August 17 – October 18, 2015. I am just finishing up this course with them, and it went so well, we agreed that I should do it again. The scope of the “lessons” is basically soup to nuts, and includes the following modules:
Lesson 1 – Setting Goals
Lesson 2 – Learning the Tropes
Lesson 3 – Character Profiles
Lesson 4 – Point of View
Lesson 5 – Plotting
Lesson 6 – Great Openings
Lesson 7 – Writing the First Draft: Tips & Tricks
Lesson 8 – Word Choice and Sentence Construction
Lesson 9 – The First Round of Editing
Week 10 – 2nd/Final Round of Self-Editing
Lesson 11 – The Synopsis & The Pitch
Week 12 – Media Kits
With additional discussions on:
Writing “To the Market” vs. Literary Fiction
Parsing Amazon-speak
Finding a New Publisher or Agent
We can talk about anything you need to know and don’t have to stick to this lesson plan exclusively. The idea is to give you personalized attention to solve your writing problems.
If you’re a reader who wants to become a writer, this is a good place to start. If you’re a reader who knows a writer who’s struggling, send her/him my way. Or if you’re a writer who needs a little TLC, come on over and tell me your woes.
This is not a free class. It has a significant price tag, but how many twelve-week writing classes do you know of with personalized attention, a comprehensive syllabus, and only three students? This isn’t like a “boot camp” either. The lessons are fluid and the process is more laid back. There’s homework, but it’s not onerous at all; no one is going to ask you to draft a whole book during the course, but if you want to, nothing will impede you.
Here’s where you sign up: http://ce.savvyauthors.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=Calendar.eventDetail&eventId=2574
There are only three spots available, and the class starts in less than three weeks, so sign up soon or miss your opportunity. I won’t be teaching this class another time in 2015, and my schedule isn’t set for 2016.
I hope to help you or your friends soon.
Good luck with your class, Trish! Looks like a fabulous opportunity! Tweeted and shared!